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Departmental Liaison Librarians

The WSU Departmental Liaison Group

The Departmental Liaison Librarian program connects students and faculty with a librarian designated to serve the reference, library instruction, and research needs of each academic department at Washington State University.

Departmental Liaison Librarians are eager to share their love of research with your students and look forward to collaborative teaching opportunities.


  • Provide news and updates on library services, events, resources and policies
  • Represent your concerns and interests to the libraries
  • Introduce you to specific services, including:
  • Course reserves, [Note: see the two documents about using our new Reserve system in Blackboard]



  • Provide course-based online library guides to identify resources for your classes
  • Provide course-based library instruction sessions to address course-specific learning outcomes
  • Participate in a research discussion thread on your course space
  • Hold virtual "office hours" for your online course in order to answer reference questions.
  • Develop a library collection to meet the teaching, research, and learning needs of the University
  • Assist in incorporating information literacy skills into your curriculum, activity/assignment bank
  • Assist with assignment design to address information literacy goals and learning outcomes


Research Support...

  • Assist in identifying and accessing resources for your research
  • Provide instruction in citation management systems including Zotero and EndNote
  • Provide one-on-one consultation
WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us