We do have books - over two million of them - but we also have many other resources for you to use. In addition to eBooks and online journal articles, here are some other materials you can get from us:
WSU supports many different fields of study, and each WSU Department has its own Librarian Subject Specialist. While all librarians can help with basic research, it is helpful to contact the librarian who works with your department or program when doing more in-depth research.
Your librarians have created online guides to assist with research in the different fields of study at WSU. Some guides, like this one, are made for a specific class. Others provide more general information on resources and services available for programs like Anthropology, Veterinary Medicine, Political Science, or Engineering.
To get to the research guides, click on Subject & Resource Guides on the Libraries homepage.
Email or call your librarian directly to ask a question.
Use our Ask Us Services to connect with librarians through Chat, email, and phone, and to schedule appointments with librarians (yes, we can schedule virtual or phone appointments!).