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Metasites for Legal Research

  • Free Legal Research Sites.  George Mason University Law Library. Extensive list of links to legal resources.  Some are included in this online guide.
  • Research Guides, Treatise Finders, & Tutorials.  Georgetown Law Library.  Extensive list of topics in U.S. law, foreign and international law, legal history, treatise finders, and tutorials with a well developed research guide for each.  Guides link directly to open source resources.  Search titles of books and databases in WSU Libraries Search It for access/availability.
  • Legal Research.  Justia.  Provides guides that take the researcher to both primary and secondary legal information.
  • DRAGNET (Database Retrieval Access using Google's New Electronic Technology).  New York Law School Library.  A specialized search engine that enables the researcher to "drag the net" through a group of free law-related Web resources.  The sites were chosen for their reliability and utility to legal researchers.
  • Guide to Law Online.  Library of Congress.  An annotated guide to sources of information on government and law available online.
  • Gallagher Law Library Guides.  University of Washington Law School.  Online guides for researching law, generally, and Washington State legal research and topics.
  • Washington LawHelp.  Northwest Justice Project.  A guide to free civil legal services for low-income persons and seniors in Washington.  Provides legal education materials and tools that give the user basic information on a number of legal problems, and in some cases, detailed instructions and forms to help the person represent himself in court.

Courts and Associations

  • Federal Court Finder.  United States Courts. Provides links to federal court websites: U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Courts of Appeals, U.S. District and Bankruptcy Courts.
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