Simpson A. The Flying Hellfish: WWII liberators of art from Nazi Germany. Cypr J. 1989;9(1):49-58.
Reference list information for articles found online adds a medium designator—[Internet], including the brackets—at the end of the title of the journal, as well as a citation date and a URL.
The CSE Manual does not explicitly require this information if the online content is identical to the print content.
Author. Article title. Title of Periodical. [Internet] Year; volume (issue): page numbers. Edition or Release. Place of Publication: date of publication. [Cited date]. Number of pages. Available from: article URL; document number if available.
Skinner S. Evolution or intelligent design: the menu model of elementary science instruction. Science Educator. [Internet] 2005; 32(2)1975-2008. Release 3. NY: 2005. [Cited 2008 May 4]. 33p. Available from: http://www.sciencedirect/scienceeducator/32/2/skinner ; doi:123456789
Simpson A, Burns M, Lovejoy J. The Flying Hellfish: WWII liberators of art from Nazi Germany. Cypr J. 1989;9(1):49-58.
Simpson A, Burns M, Lovejoy J, Gumble B, Christian S, Powers R, Simpson L, Flanders T, Simpson B, Burns L, et al. The Flying Hellfish: WWII liberators of art from Nazi Germany. Cypr J. 1989;9(1):49-58.
Simpson A, Burns M, Lovejoy J, Gumble B, Christian S, Powers R, Simpson L, Flanders T. The Flying Hellfish: WWII liberators of art from Nazi Germany. Cypr J. 1989;9(1):49-58.
Simpson A, Burns M, Lovejoy J, Gumble B, Christian S, Powers R, Simpson L, Flanders T. The Flying Hellfish: WWII liberators of art from Nazi Germany. Cypr J. 1989-1992;9(1):49-58.Simpson A, Burns M, Gumble B, Christian S, Powers R, Simpson L, Flanders T. The Flying Hellfish: WWII liberators of art from Nazi Germany. Cypr J. 1989 Feb 10:15-35.
Simpson A, Burns M, Lovejoy J, Gumble B, Christian S, Powers R, Simpson L, Flanders T. The Flying Hellfish: WWII liberators of art from Nazi Germany. Cypr J. 1989-1992;13-15(1A-2C):69-78.
Lumpkin L, Simpson C. Country singin aint for me. 3rd Ed. Washington, DC: Country Press; c1989. 419 p.
Lumpkin L, Simpson C. Country singin aint for me. 3rd Ed. Washington, DC: Country Press; 1989-1992. 419 p.
Lumpkin L, Simpson C. Country singin aint for me. 3rd Ed. Washington, DC: Country Press; [date unknown]. 419 p.
Lumpkin L. Country singin aint for me. 3rd Ed. [place unknown]: Country Press; 1989. 419 p.
Lumpkin L. Country singin aint for me. 3rd Ed. Powers R, Simpson L, editors. Washington, DC: Country Press; 1989. 419 p.
Universally known place such as New York or London can stand alone If there is no place of publication, put place unknown within square brackets
Simpson B, Callahan N, editors. Country singin aint for me. 3rd Ed. Washington, DC: Country Press; 1989. 419 p.Country singin aint for me. 3rd Ed. Washington, DC: Country Press; 1989. 419 p.
Put the authors first then put the editors after the title.
Lumpkin L, Simpson C, Simpson A, Burns M, Lovejoy J, Gumble B, Christian S, Powers R, Simpson L, Flanders T, et al. Country singin aint for me. 3rd Ed. Washington, DC: Country Press; 1989. 419 p.
If there are editors, put the names of editors followed by the word "editor" or "editors" If there are no authors and editors, begin with the title
Lumpkin L, Simpson C,. Country singin aint for me. 3rd Ed. Washington, DC: Country Press; 1989. 419 p.
List the first names of authors in the order in which they appear in the text followed by "et al" or "and others"
Lumpkin L. Country singin aint for me. 3rd Ed. Washington, DC: Country Press; 1989. 419 p.
List all the names of authors in the order in which they appear in the text.
Example: Van Houten, N, Flanders R, Editors. Nachos Flanders style. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Stadium Food; Vancouver, British Columbia: Fallout Press; 1975. 620 p.
Van Houten N, Flanders R. Nachos Flanders style. In: Simpson, C, Lumpkin, L, editors. The Book of Nacho. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Stadium Food; 1976 Feb. 10-15; Vancouver, British Columbia. Pullman (WA): Fallout Press; 1975. p. 175-200.
Simpson, L. Level 5 Veganism: consumption of nothing that casts a shadow [master's thesis]. Springfield (OR): Springfield University. 2008. 248p.
Flanders R, Flanders T, compliers. Biblical Allusions Flanders Style [bibliography]. Springfield (VT): University of Springfield. 2008. 1110 p. Lee S complier. Technology and Internet [bibliography]. Pullman (WA): University Press; 2008. 1110 p.
Leonard L, Carlson C, inventors; Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, assignee. Doughnut shaped nuclear reactor. US patent 4,777,123. 2008 Jun 10. 352 p.
Example: Simpson H. Glazed with Sprinkles. Springfield Shopper(Special Ed.). 2008 Jul 17.Sect. A:17(col. 2).
APSnet:plant pathology online. c1994-2005. St Paul (MN): American Phytopathological Association; [accessed 2005 Jun 20]. http://www.apsnet.org/