There are three main citation ecosystems*
Harzing's Publish or Perish is a tool to help you query and work with Google Scholar bibliometric results and statistics.
*A number of databases and journal platforms provide citation linkages, but are generally limited to works available through that particular database or journal platform.
Harzing, A.W. (2007) Publish or Perish, available from >
These notes supplement Patrick Dunleavy's How to use Harzing’s ‘Publish or Perish’ software to assess citations – a step-by-step guide which has a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (ccby3.0) allowing it to be adapted and shared.
Why this and not just Google Scholar Profile data?
Data Quality:
Metric data: Use Copy Statistics as CSV With Header for your first set; if you are using multiple people in the same spreadsheet after the first one you can just use Copy Statistics as CSV. Then all you have to do is paste files into a spreadsheet. You may want to do some cleanup.
Citation Data: Use Copy Results as CSV With Header for your first set; if you are using years in the same spreadsheet after the first one you can just use Copy Results as CSV for successive entries. Then all you have to do is paste files into a spreadsheet. You will want to do some cleanup, and I suggest adding in a field that indicates this info came from HPoP. You may want to create a workflow that incorporates data from other citation services, i.e. Web of Science.