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Microforms: Microfilm and Microfiche in the WSU Libraries

Scanning Microforms

1) Toggle the microform reader to the page or article you would like to scan or print. You may rotate, zoom, or focus using the knobs located above the lens. You will also be able to crop, zoom, rotate, and adjust color settings after scanning the document.

2) Open IrfanView from the Desktop.

  IrfanView desktop icon

3) From the File menu, select Acquire/Batch scanning.

IrfanView File menu with arrow pointing to "Acquire/Batch scanning..." link

4) The Acquire/Batch Scan Set-up window will appear. KEEP THE DEFAULTS and press OK.

IrfanView Acquire/Batch Scanning setup menu with arrow pointing to "OK" button

5) The scanner set-up window will appear. You may adjust the mode, page size, resolution, and other elements, or just leave it as is. When you are finished, press Scan.

screenshot of IrfanView scanning menu with arrow pointing to "Scan" button

6) Your microform reader screen will be scanned and should appear in the IrfanView window. NOTE: If your scan does not appear on the screen, keep the microform reader on but RESTART THE COMPUTER. This will assure connectivity between the devices.

7)  From here, you may adjust the look of the document (see box to the right: Change Document Settings).

8) To save the document, make sure that your USB Flash Drive is inserted into the computer.

9) Open the File menu and select Save As.

IrfanView File menu with arrow pointing to "Save as..." link

10) In the window that appears, use the top drop-down menu to find and select Removable Disk (E:).

11) Rename your file and press Save.

File Explorer window with Removable Disk (E:) and File Name highlighted

12) Remember to take your device with you!

Printing Microforms

To print your document, follow steps 1-7 for scanning (in the box to the left).  You may continue to save your document and then print it, or you may just print.

1) Go to File – Print.

IrfanView File menu with arrow pointing to "Print..." option


2) Make sure that WSU Pullman CougPrints is the selected printer and click on Print.

Print Preview menu with arrow pointing to WSU Pullman Coug Prints printer selection


3) Enter your WSU ID (firstname.lastname) and DO NOT enter a password.

Print Job Details screen with arrow pointing to username entry box


4) Go to the printers located on the first floor of Terrell near the reference desk to pick up your documents!

Changing the Document Settings

IrfanView Image menu with arrows pointing to "Negative" and "Color corrections..." links

screenshot showing Color corrections wizard and explaining Negative and Color corrections options

Edit menu with explanation of Crop selection option and "Crop selection" link outlined

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us