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Microforms: Microfilm and Microfiche in the WSU Libraries

Newspapers on Microfilm

microfilm newspaper ad

Unclassified Microform / Microfiche (Cabinets 191-192)

These are only the microfiche titles shelved by author/title located in the cabinets numbered 191-192.

Federal Population Schedules at WSU Libraries

Population Schedules are detailed records of the federal government's decennial census of American households.  Because they include names and personal information they are not released until 72 years after the census is taken.  The microfilm is located in the Microforms Room of Holland Library (first floor west).  The reels are copies of the schedules held by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA),

1790-1890 (1st-11th censuses, all states): cabinets 20-29, south wall of the Microforms Room in Holland Library.  Note that the 1890 census was largely destroyed by fire in 1921 in Washington, D.C. and only small portions of it remain.  1890 includes Special Schedules of the Eleventh Census (1890) Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

1900-1930 (12th-15th censuses, Idaho, Oregon, Washington only) cabinet 127:

1900 Idaho HA331.5 1900  reels no. 1-4; Oregon HA591.5 1900 9 reels; Washington HA691.5 1900 reels no. 1-14   

1910 Idaho HA331.5 1910 (8 reels); Oregon HA591.5 1910 (reels no. 1278-1291); Washington HA691.5 1910 (23 reels)

1920 Idaho HA331.5 1920 (9 reels); Oregon HA591.5 1920 (15 reels); Washington HA691.5 1920 (27 reels)

1930 Idaho HA331.5 1930 10 reels, Reels T395-404; Oregon HA591.5 1930 20 reels, Reels 1939-1958 ; Washington HA691.5 1930  42 reels, Reels T2484-T2525

1885-1940 Indian Census Rolls: E98.C3 U56   cabinet 116 in the Microforms Room

1940 Census online

There are census worksheets on top of the 1790-1890 cabinets (west wall of Microforms Rm).

Congressional Bills, Hearings, and Prints in Microforms

Congressional Bills

1789-1879, 1913-1921,  1st-45th Cong., 63rd-66th Cong. Holland Microforms (cabinet 21) "TSD Microfilm 1892" (House bills); "TSD Microfilm 1898 (Senate bills)
1799-1873  House Bills and Resolutions (American Memory)   |   1819-1873  Senate Bills and Resolutions (American Memory)   |    1824-1873 Senate Joint Resolutions (American Memory)
1979-  ,  96th Cong.-   Holland Microfiche Y 1.4/1-9 Latest in Holland Reference Microfiche Collection, earlier in Holland Microforms. To locate bill use Finding Aid for Congressional Bills and Resolutions, located in Holland and Terrell Libraries Reference GP 3.28. Ask for assistance from the Reference Desk.
1989- ,   101st Cong.- ProQuest Congressional (WSU only)
1993-103rd Cong.-

Congressional Committee Hearings

1869-1934,  41st-73rd Cong. Holland Microforms   "Pre-1935 Congressional Hearings" microfiche
1900-1982,  56th-97th Cong.  Holland Doc/Holland Microforms; Each hearing in this period has an individual SuDocs number and is shelved in Holland Doc (paper copy) or Holland Microforms (microfiche copy). Identify the SuDoc call number through CIS U.S. Congressional Committee Hearings Index (1833-1969; Holland Ref KF49.C62 U5), Catalog of U.S. Government Publications,  or Monthly Catalog of Government Publications (1900-1998; Holland Ref Doc GP 3.8).
1983-1992,  98th-102nd Cong.  Holland Microforms in CIS Microfiche Library (cabinet 18, KF49.C62 C58x). Arranged by CIS abstract no. which can be found in the CIS Index, Holland Ref Z1223.Z7 C6.
1993-  103rd Congress-   Holland Microforms; shelved with SuDoc microfiche (cabinets 17-20); search for SuDoc no. in Search It.

Congressional Committee Prints

1970-1992, 91st-102nd Cong. Complete committee prints holdings on Congressional Information Service microfiche, Holland Microforms KF49.C62 C58x 
1993-  , 103rd Cong.- Committee prints on microfiche by SuDoc number, shelved in Holland Microforms;  searchable in library catalog

Microforms Finding Aids

Additional Resources Available

  • Early English Books--
  • Pre-1900 Canadiana--monographs and pamphlets printed prior to 1900 in Canada and elsewhere which provide access to primary source material documenting Canada's history)
  • 19th Century Women Writers Collection--
  • The University of Oregon Theses in Physical Education--
  • NTIS technical reports collection--

Underground Newspapers

Underground newspapers

"In the U.S. the term underground newspaper generally refers to an independent (and typically smaller) newspaper focusing on unpopular themes or counterculture issues. Typically, these tend to be politically to the left or far left.

More narrowly, in the US the term "underground newspaper" most often refers to publications of the period 1965-1973, when a sort of boom or craze for local tabloid underground newspapers swept the country in the wake of court decisions making prosecution of obscenity far more difficult."  Wikipedia

berkeley barb

Printed Maps

There are also printed maps located in the Microforms area.  Here is a list of just a few of these.

large map sign

Printed maps in microforms

United Nations Documents

white binders of United Nations documents

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