Includes full text for 1800 publications as well as images, for nearly every academic field of study. Provides access to a variety of Asian Studies and film journals, including "Inter-Asia Cultural Studies" and the "Asian Studies Review." Remember to limit to scholarly (peer reviewed) titles from the search screen!
Project Muse provides full-text access to over 300 journals in the humanities, arts and social sciences, including " Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism," "Canadian Ethnic Studies," and " Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Perspectives," among others.
This resource offers the best coverage of literary topics. Journals indexed include "Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies," "World Literature Today," "Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique," "Journal of Asian Studies," "Boundary 2: An International Journal of Literature and Culture," among others
Provides full text access to "The Journal of Asian Studies," "PMLA," "Film Studies," "Film Quarterly," "The China Quarterly," "Asian Folklore Studies," "The China Journal," "Modern Asian Studies," and the "Asian Theatre Journal" among others. Note: Articles archived in JSTOR are generally over 3 years old.