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Italian Literature, Language, and Culture: Language Learning Resources

Language Learning Programs On the Web

Use Italian Online Every Day Doing Things You Already Do!

Chatting online with friends
You can try Italian language chat services such as My Language Exchange, or find a classmate who would like to chat with you using your current chat service through meebo

Sending email
If you don't have an Italian speaking friend you can email, ask one of your classmates to agree to email you regularly in Italian! Many services, such as gmail allow you to change your language settings to Italian too!

Facebooking in Italian
Change your Facebook language settings to allow you to Facebook in Italian, read instructions on how!

Pen Pal Communities

There are a lot of online Pen Pal communities, and this is a great way to communicate daily with a native speaker who may also like to learn English. Find a Pen Pal site that suits you, but here are a couple that you can check out:

Italian Internet Radio

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