Reference management/bibliographic software helps you organize the information that you gather (articles, books, websites, images, videos, etc.) so that you can find, access, search, use, and cite it more effectively. There are a number of options that you can choose from, some freely available, some with a one-time cost with optional upgrades, and some based on an annual subscription.
Librarians at the WSU Libraries teach classes focused on two of those tools: Zotero (free, open source) and EndNote (one-time initial cost - you can get a good deal as a student - you can also purchase it via the Tech Store link on the My WSU portal - look under Quick Links on the Student page); optional upgrades). Which one is best for you? It depends on a number of factors so you might want to sign up for both an EndNote and a Zotero class, or investigate other options on your own (see options link above).
If you are interested in learning about Zotero, check the link below and look in the left-hand of the screen for upcoming classes:
Collecting, Managing and Citing Reference Resources with Zotero
If you are interested in learning about EndNote, look here for a schedule of classes and more information. Our engineering librarian, Chelsea Leachman, offers classes at least once every semester: