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US Trade: USA Trade Online and More

USA Trade Online is a database from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce which provides full-text reports and statistical series for and trade-related information.

What is USA Trade Online?

The Official Source for U.S. Merchandise Trade Data

USA Trade Online is free for all users, as of 2015.

"Provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, USA Trade® Online is a dynamic data tool that gives users access to current and cumulative U.S. export and import data. With multiple data sets and capabilities, USA Trade® Online can assist different types of customers from a wide range of industries and fields. Manufacturers and other businesses wishing to expand their business globally can utilize USA Trade® Online to identify new markets, evaluate existing markets, and perform other market research tasks. The data available through this tool can also support economists in interpreting economic news and performing academic research, as well assist governments and federal agencies in analyzing domestic and international trade policies.

Data are updated each month with the release of the latest U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services Report. Data release schedule can be accessed here."

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