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Criminal Justice and Criminology

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Bibliography of Data-Related Literature

"The Bibliography of Data-Related Literature is a continuously-updated database of thousands of citations of works using data held in the ICPSR archive. The works include journal articles, books, book chapters, government and agency reports, working papers, dissertations, conference papers, meeting presentations, unpublished manuscripts, magazine and newspaper articles, and audiovisual materials."


The primary source for data sets for Washington State University faculty and students is the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). ICPSR maintains and provides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction. You can download directly from ICPSR to any computer (you may need to create a free account). For more information, see the Social Sciences Data; ICPSR and More library guide

ICPSR Data Use Tutorial

Other Datasets and Data Archives

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Journal of Criminal Justice Education look for issue 21:3 (2010) which is a "Special Issue on Quantitative Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology"

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