Environmental Sciences
Collection Development Policy | School of the Environment | Owen Science & Engineering Library
Owen Science and Engineering Library contains many resources for students and faculty interested in the environmental sciences. Since this is an interdisciplinary subject, resources can be found with those of other areas such as ecology, energy, engineering, health, pollution and water. The purpose of this subject guide is to alert visitors to some of the resources available at Owen Library and online. If you have any questions not answered on the WSU Libraries website, or would like to request a book, journal, conference proceeding, etc. on subjects related to this area, please contact Betty Galbraith. For questions about WSU's academic program, please see the School of the Environment.
Reference Books
The following is a list of reference books in the Owen Library related to environmental sciences. Reference books are located on the first floor of the Owen Science & Engineering Library.
- American Nature Writers Ref PS163 .A6 1996
- Dictionary of Environmental Science and Technology Ref GE10 P67
- Dictionary of Environment and Conservation Available online courtesy of the WSU Libraries
- Environmental Encyclopedia Available online courtesy of the WSU Libraries
- Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering Ref TD9.E5 v. 1-2
- Global Biodiversity Ref QH76 G56x
- Handbook of Environmental Analysis Ref TD194.6 S65x
- Handbook of Environmental Management and Technology Ref TD191.5 .B87
- Information Sources in Environmental Protection Ref GE30 I56
- McGraw-Hill Recycling Handbook Ref TD794.5 M397 2001
- Standard Handbook of Environmental Science, Health, and Technology Ref GE123 .S73
- World Resources Ref HD75.6 .W67x
Climate Change/Global Warming
- Dictionary of Global Climate Change Ref QC981.8.C5 M38
- Dictionary of Ecology Available online courtesy of the WSU Libraries
- Ecology Basics Available online courtesy of the WSU Libraries
- CRC Handbook of Energy Efficiency Ref TJ163.3 C73
- Energy Management and Conservation Handbook Available online courtesy of the WSU Libraries
- Energy Management Handbook Ref TJ163.2 T87 2001, and available online courtesy of the WSU Libraries
- Handbook of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Available online courtesy of the WSU Libraries
- Dictionary of Environmental and Civil Engineering Ref TA9 .W43 2000
- Environmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory Ref TD9 .P36 2001
- Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations Ref TD145 H27 2000
- Environmental Contaminant Reference Databook Ref TD196.C45 P73
- Handbook of Ecotoxicology Ref QH545.A1 H36 2003
- Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Ref QD31 H335
- Handbook of Environmental Data on Organic Chemicals Ref TD196 O73 V47
- Rapid Guide to Hazardous Air Pollutants Ref TD883.1 B37
- Wiley Encyclopedia of Environmental Pollution and Cleanup Ref TD173 W55 1999
- Dictionary of Waste and Water Treatment Ref TD9 S37 1981
- Drinking Water Inspector's Field Reference Available online courtesy of the WSU Libraries
- Encyclopedia of Hydrology and Water Resources Ref GB655 E53 1998
- Water Encyclopedia Ref TD351 V36
- Water in Crisis Ref TD345 W264 1993
- Water Supply Bulletin Ref GB705 W2 A3 (#39 pertains specifically to the Palouse River Basin)
- Water Quality Trading Assessment Handbook Available online courtesy of the WSU Libraries
Indexes and Abstracts and Other Databases
- BioOne (2000-present): A collection of high impact journals produced by scholarly societies.
- GeoRef: GeoRef is a comprehensive geoscience database covering such areas as mineralogy and crystallography.
- Medline (1966-present): Medline is the major index to the biomedical research journal literature.
- Toxnet: A cluster of databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, and related areas.
- Water Resources Abstracts (1967-present) Contains abstracts of current and earlier journals, monographs, and reports covering the characteristics, supply, condition, use or management of water resources. Available in the Owen Library only.
Internet Links
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
- ClimateArk
- Climate Change Science, USGS Earth Surface Dynamics
- Columbia Earthscape
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Australia
- Earth Observatory
- Earth Island Institute
- Envirofacts Data Warehouse, EPA
- EnviroLink
- Environment, The World Bank
- Envirnomental Health Perspectives, NIEH
- Environmental News Network
- Environmental Protection Agency, US
- Environment Canada
- European Environment Agency
- Global Change Research Information Office, US
- Global Warming: Early Warning Signs
- Global Warming, Center for Environmental and Regulatory Affairs
- Greater Yellowstone Coalition
- Ground Water Atlas of the United States, USGS
- Human Impact 2002: Interactive map of greenhouse gas emissions
- Integrated Risk Information System, EPA
- Inter-American Water Resources Network
- Invasive Species Information System
- Love Canal Collection, University at Buffalo
- National Library of the Environment
- Natural Resources Defence Council
- Palouse Clearwater Environmental Institute
- Red List: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
- Scorecard: The Pollution Information Site
- Thomas: Federal legislative information, bills, public and private laws, resolutions, etc. available free to the public.
- United Nations Environment Programme
- Water Environment Federation
- Water Resources of the United States, USGS
- WorldWatch Institute