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International Government Organizations and Foreign Government Information

General Statistics

Statistical Agency Web Pages

Statistics by Topic


FAOStat (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) Large time-series and cross-sectional data relating to hunger, food, and agriculture for 245 countries and territories and 35 regional areas, from 1961 to the most recent year; free access to production, trade, and consumption data.

FATUS (Foreign Agricultural Trade of the U.S.)  A standard USDA aggregation of several thousand Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) codes into 213 agricultural groups most used by the public.


UN Comtrade  and UN Monthly Comtrade  United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database; part of International Merchandise Trade Statistics

Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database (World Bank)  Measures saving, borrowing, making payments, and managing risk by residents of 148 countries. 

OECD.Stat Extracts (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)     Limited, but free, version of SourceOECD. See also OECD Economics Department Statistics for Economic Outlook, Economic Surveys, and the Information by Country page providing economic analyses for member countries and links to their web pages.

International Trade and Tariff Data (World Trade Organization)    Includes data from the publication International Trade Statistics

GlobalEdge International Business Sources (Michigan State University)    Register on this page to obtain access to the GlobalEdge Database of International Business Statistics (DIBS)

Financial Soundness Indicators (IMF-International Monetary Fund)     Indicators of the health of financial institutions, corporate, and household sectors, and of relevant markets.

UNECE Statistics (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe)     Data about the 56 member countries on topics such as environment, demographics, gender, and economics

Industry, Trade, and the Economy: Data and Analysis (U.S. Dept. of Commerce International Trade Administration)      Trade and economic data for examination of U.S. competitiveness in domestic and global markets  (Economist Intelligence Unit) Country reports and forecasts for politics and business

UN Development Programme Projects  Detailed information on UNDP's 6000+ projects in 117 countries and territories. Statistics and descriptions.


EdStats (WorldBank)    A compilation of education data from national and international sources

Environment/Ecology/Natural Resources

UNwater   (United Nations)  Access to water data from a number of international organizations

Key Water Indicator Portal  UN-Water has created a portal to view maps, tables, and charts on indicators, at either country or global level, as well as additional geographic information.

World Energy Council  UN-accredited world energy body that promotes affordable, stable and environmentally sensitive systems. 

Health and Nutrition

ChildInfo (United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF)    Statistics by topic such as children's nutrition, child protection, and newborn care

Global Health Observatory (GHO)    Health topics, data repository, reports, map gallery, country statistics, standards.  Incorporates WHOSIS (World Health Organization Statistical Information System).

WHO Global Health Atlas    Standardized data and statistics for infectious diseases at country, regional, and global levels.

FAOStat (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization)    Large time-series and cross-sectional data relating to hunger, food, and agriculture for 245 countries and territories and 35 regional areas, from 1961 to most recent.


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Statistics (UN International Telecommunication Union)  Free data; World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators; "Measuring the Information Society"

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