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BA 100

SWOT Analysis

SWOT : Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

"...A framework for identifying the internal strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) of a firm, and the external opportunities (O) open to it and the threats (T) it faces, which can be used by corporate planners in formulating the firm's competitive strategy and marketing strategy in individual product markets and its overall business strategy." - Collins Dictionary of Business

  • Some companies will have a SWOT Analysis that you can access.
  • For others, you might have to DIY it using Internet searches, articles from Business news and journals. If you can't find a neat and tidy SWOT analysis for your company in the databases, look at a few examples for companies that do. This will give you an idea of how to tackle yours!
  • Just because you didn't find one in one database, doesn't mean that you won't find one in another:

For example, if you don't find Uber Technologies in Business Source Complete, try searching Nexis Uni!

  • You can try searching Business Source Complete and Nexis Uni to find SWOT reports:



SWOT in Business Source Complete

 There are two ways to search for SWOT Analyses:

1. On the right side of the search page, under the "Browse" menu, scroll down to "SWOT Analyses" . You can then type the name of your company on the next search screen. Note: It is best to search using the company's official name. Notice that in the example below, a simple search for "Hilton" retrieves company name variants. A Google search reveals that Hilton Hotels Corporation changed its name to Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Inc. in 2009. When selecting from the results, make sure you have found and selected the right company from the list. 

screenshot of Business Source Complete search results for "Hilton"

2. You can also type the name of your company in the first search box (it is best to use the company's official name), and SWOT in the second search box. The results should default to sort by "Date Newest."

screenshot of Business Source Complete search for "hilton" AND "swot"


SWOT in Nexis Uni

1. On the homepage, click Advanced Search (right underneath the big search box).
2. When the page opens, look for and click "Company and Financial" above the search box
3. Under Company and Financial, select Company Profiles.
4. On the right side of the search box, use the drop down menu to change "All Fields" to "Company Name". To limit to only SWOT reports, select "Publication" in the second drop down box, and type SWOT for your search.

screenshot of Nexis Uni search for "Hilton" AND "swot"

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