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MGMT 483

Financial Information & Ratios

Financial ratios are used against another company, or in comparison with the industry average in order to benchmark or measure a company’s performance. They are based on data found in balance sheets, income statements and sometimes based on share prices. SEC filings will also contain financial ratios. You can search for the company name and "investor relations" to find the company's page. From the company's investor relations page, there should be a link to company financials, where you can access SEC filings.

Locating Company Financials in Nexis Uni

Steps for finding ratios in Nexis Uni:

1.On the main search page, access the Company Dossier, use the drop down menu at the top left of the screen:

Company Dossier Search Menu

2. Use the "Find a Company" search to locate your company. (Remember that the results will list the top 3 companies found, if you don't see your company listed, click on "View All".) When several companies with similar names are listed, the company address can be useful in determining whether you have selected the right one from the results. In this case, we are searching for

screenshot of Nexis Uni search results for "Amazon" with first result circled

3. When the company page opens, click Financial Overview on the left side of the screen. (note the other

screenshot of Amazon company page with "Financial Overview" tab circled

4. When the page opens, click on "Ratio analysis".

screenshot of Financial Overview page with "Ratio Analysis" link circled

5. Data for the most recent fiscal year available, plus 2 years previous,  will show. Use the "Older Data" link at the bottom of the table to view earlier data.

screenshot of Ratio Analysis page with "Older Data (2 yrs.)" link circled


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