Librarians apply subject headings to resources (mostly books) in order to group them together for easier discovery. They are sort of like #hashtags on social media - keywords and categories applied to posts so that when you click on them, you get all posts that have the same label. So, if you find one book in the catalog that looks amazing, scroll down to the subject headings section of the record and try clicking on one - it will hopefully lead you to more related resources! The following broad subject headings will be helpful in your search; each is a link that leads to a list of results for that subject heading.
After you click on the list of results, you can narrow your search further by click on Advanced Search. In the second line (the first will already be populated), you can add any keyword or phrase that fits your research (for example: women, art, South Carolina, colleges). You can also narrow for books or articles on the left side. (Tutorial forthcoming!)