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History of Medicine: Books, E-books, and Newspapers

Topic: History of Medicine

Finding books in the WSU Libraries

Tips for finding books in Search It, the WSU Libraries' catalog.

  • Change the search scope to WSU Pullman (or WSU Libraries + Summit if you want to be able to borrow from other academic libraries in Washington and Oregon). 
  • Start with keywords (not too many) and use these search techniques:  put quotes around a phrase ("prescription drugs"); use an asterisk * to truncate a word and allow for other endings (medic* for medicine, medicinal, medical, etc.).
  • When you locate good items in your search results, click on the 'Details' tab to look at the subject headings used for the book. For example, subject headings such as Drugs -- History -- United States can be used as subjects and paired with other keywords or names of well-known people or authors.
  • For searching primary sources use specific words with your search:  sources, correspondence, letters, personal narratives, memoirs, diaries, etc., either as subject words or keywords.  For example, medicine history correspondence
  • Use reference lists/bibliographies to locate other research materials:  locate a book or an article that has potential for your topic or interests.  Scan the reference list to look at the sources used for the author's research; do title keyword searches in the library catalog to locate the article, dissertation, or book. 
  • Browse the stacks.  Find a book of interest and go to the library stacks to locate it.  You'll find other items on the topic in the same general area. 


See the Newspapers and News LibGuide for complete listings of WSU Libraries newspaper databases and free online sources of newspapers.  Major current and historical newspaper databases are listed below.

ProQuest Newstand Full text of 300+ U.S. and international news sources. Date coverage varies.

Lexis Nexis Academic  Provides access to full text legal and abstracted information from newspapers, magazines, company annual reports, and more

Newspaper Source Full text coverage for 245 newspapers, newswires, and other sources, including Christian Science Monitor, LA Times, and regional newspapers.

Historical New York Times  1851-2006. Full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue.

Seattle Times  Full text coverage of the Seattle Times, 1895-1984.

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us