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Web Annotation

About Web Annotation

About Web Annotation

Web Annotation Standards

Resources for Further Study

Other Web Annotation Systems (Besides the Ones I Talk About) - May Be Inactive

What Are Web Annotations (from the W3C Web Annotation Group)

What are Web Annotations?

Traditional annotations are marginalia, errata, and highlights in printed books, maps, picture, and other physical media. Web annotations are an attempt to recreate and extend that functionality as a new layer of interactivity and linking on top of the Web. It will allow anyone to annotate anything anywhere, be it a web page, an ebook, a video, an image, an audio stream, or data in raw or visualized form. Web annotations can be linked, shared between services, tracked back to their origins, searched and discovered, and stored wherever the author wishes; the vision is for a decentralized and open annotation infrastructure.

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