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Study Abroad

This guide will take you through WSU library resources that are available to you when you are residing outside of the United States, and further information about cultures, countries, and studying abroad.

Listening to Music Online

You can find music by either using Search It or going directly into the databases. Here are some databases to try searching in:

To find a single Audio file in Search It, do a normal search at Make sure you log in! When you get to your results screen, on the left side, look for "Type" and then click on "More Options" if you do not see eAudio or eVideo. Then, in the screen that pops up, select eAudio & eVideo.

search filters for Type     screenshot of Refine Results filters with eAudio & eVideo box checked

Then, look for the Audio symbol. Click on Access Options to find the link to the file.

screenshot of "Jazz" record in Search It showing audio samples

Finding Images

screenshot of filtering by usage rights

The following databases provide an extensive array of art images throughout history and from around the world, including background and biographical information!

Watching Films Online

Washington State University subscribes to several databases that contain films that you can watch online. There are two ways to find these films. First is to go directly to one of these databases and do a search within the database.

To find an eVideo in Search It, do a normal search at Make sure you log in! When you get to your results screen, on the left side, look for "Type" and then click on "More Options" if you do not see eAudio or eVideo. Then, in the screen that pops up, select eAudio & eVideo.

search filters for Type     screenshot of Refine Search menu showing eAudio & eVideo box checked

Then, in your list of results, look for the eVideo symbol. Make sure that it also has a green circle and the words "Online Access." This ensures we have it in our catalog. Then, click on Access Options and the first database link. This will bring you to your film.

screenshot of Search It record with "Films on Demand" link outlined

Further Guides!

The following library research guides have more links to finding media:

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us