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Interior Design: Interior Design Main Page

Key Databases

Below are the most useful databases to explore the richness of the journal literature in Interior Design.

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Tune Up Your Google Scholar to Tap into Libraries' Resources!

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The Libraries spends millions each year to bring resources to faculty and students. To gain access to WSU Libraries' content without physically cutting and pasting into the Libraries' Search It manually, type "Washington State University Libraries" in the located in the library links section of Google Scholar's settings and check all the WSU Libraries server entries.  When this is done, all the content that the Libraries' provides will appear as links in Google Scholar that read WSU full text, Find It @ WSU, or the word, More, at the bottom of a citation.  Try all of a citation's links to see which works best. 

Click in the box to leave this guide and go to this page in Google Scholar!! The World's Largest Library Catalog

screenshot of WorldCat homeA database of library catalog records billed as the world's largest library catalog, WorldCat is a wonderful place to find publication information for obscure books and reports, archival materials, and very new books that haven't been purchased by a library in the Pacific Northwest  Useful for interlibrary loans, for ordering, and sometimes just to know, WorldCat gives bibliographic information and lists the libraries in the world where a work might be housed.

Click in the image's box to leave this page and go to the WorldCat database.

Good Reads

Dohr, J. H., & Portillo, M. (2011). Design thinking for interiors: Inquiry + experience + impact. Hoboken N.J.: J. Wiley. (eBook)

Take a holistic approach to contemporary interior design.

The interior design process is changing. In order to create truly engaging work, designers are developing a deeper and broader understanding of how design theory, research, and existing practice can help them make better decisions. This inquiry provides answers on how design is experienced, and its impact over time.

At the same time, the profession is becoming increasingly collaborative. Designers today work closely with other professionals—such as architects, landscape designers, product designers, anthropologists, and business consultants—in new ways, engaging an expanding network of experts in the design process more than ever before.

Written by renowned scholars Joy Dohr and Margaret Portillo, the book brings interior design theory and research to life utilizing a narrative inquiry approach that offers highly accessible coverage of the interior design world as it exists today. By looking at real-life stories that demonstrate what makes a memorable design, coupled with photographs and drawings to further illustrate these concepts, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in keeping abreast of interior design in the twenty-first century. (publisher's website)

Patricia Gray, Erickson Project

closet of women's clothes and shoes


I hope everyone finds these resources to be valuable in the exploration of this topic.  I am available for classes and private research consultations. My contact information is below.  Feel free to contact me for further assistance. 

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Christy Zlatos
Terrell Library, Room 120L
(509) 335-4536

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